Use of a Novel Algorithm to Determine Cyclic Steady State

Luis E Razon(1*)
(1) Chemical Engineering Department, De La Salle University 2401 TaltAvenue, l004Manila, Philippines
(*) Corresponding Author
A simple algorithm originally proposed by Choong, Paterson and Scott (2002) was tested on a model of an isothermal controlled-cycled stirred tank reactor with substrate inhibition kinetics, (r = 1 ~c). In previous work, this reacting system had been shown to exhibit steady-state multiplicity. The transition period of this system to the stable steady state is sometimes characterized by very slow change followed by a very rapid convergence to the stable steady state. Tests of the Choong-Paterson-Scott algorithm showed that the feature, which prevents premature termination of the calculations prior to reaching the true steady state, is very useful for this system. However, tests of the stopping criterion showed that the other feature of reducing the computing time was not realized in this system.
Choong-Paterson-Scott algorithm, controlled-cycled stirred tank reactor, cyclicprocesses, cyclicsteady state, multiplicity, and rational stopping criterion.
Full Text:
- Choong, T. S. Y., Paterson, W. R. and Scott, D. M. (2002). Development of Novel Algorithm Features in the Modelling of Cycfic Processes,Computers & Chern. Eng., 26, 95-112.
- Razon, L. F. (1988). Steady State Multiplicity Analysis of Simple Reactions in Controlled-CycfedStirred TankReactors, DLSUEng. Journal, 5,1-7.

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