Supercritical Water Oxidation for Toxic Organic Wastewater Disposal

Bambang Veriansyah(1*), Benedictus Prabowo(2), Jae-Duck Kim(3)
(1) Supercritical Ruid Research Laboratory KoreaInstitute of Science and Technology (K/ST)-Department of Green Process and System Engineering Universityof Science and Technology (UST) 39-1 Hawolgok-dong, Seoungbuk-gu, Seoul, 136-791, KOREA
(2) Supercritical Ruid Research Laboratory KoreaInstitute of Science and Technology (K/ST)-Department of Green Process and System Engineering Universityof Science and Technology (UST) 39-1 Hawolgok-dong, Seoungbuk-gu, Seoul, 136-791, KOREA
(3) Supercritical Ruid Research Laboratory KoreaInstitute of Science and Technology (K/ST)-Department of Green Process and System Engineering Universityof Science and Technology (UST) 39-1 Hawolgok-dong, Seoungbuk-gu, Seoul, 136-791, KOREA
(*) Corresponding Author
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