Steady State and Dynamic Interaction Analysis in Multivarible Control System

Renanto Handogo(1*), Gede Wibawa(2), Totong Rusmana(3), Moch. Arief Hidayat(4)
(1) Department of Chemical Engineering Sepuluh Nopember Institute of Technology (ITS) Surabaya, Jakarta, INDONESIA Phone: 62-31-5992114, Fax:62-31-5999282
(2) Department of Chemical Engineering, Sepuluh Nopember ITS
(3) Department of Chemical Engineeering Institute of Technology Adhi Tama Surabaya (ITATS)
(*) Corresponding Author
Relative gain array (RGA) and average dynamic gain array (ADGA) have been investigated as a measure for interaction of multi-input multi-output (MIMO) 2x2 system. Several examples have been chosen to represent MIMO with various time constants and dead time of first order plus dead time. The ratio of off-diagonal and on-diagonal element time constants of the transfer function processes (6) has shown more dominance to interaction than ratio of off-diagonal and on-diagonal element dead times of the transfer function processes (0,) . RGA, INA,and ADGAgive the same result for t'j 3 1 and INA and ADGA should be used for t'j 1 regardless the value of do
Steady state gain, dynamic interaction analysis and measurement, control pairing, relative gain array (RGA), inverse Nyquist array (INA), average dynamic gain array (ADGA), and multi-input multi-output (MIMO) process.
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