Mengembangkan Kelompok Pemusik Melalui Relief Tentang Musik di Candi Borobudur

Widya Nayati(1*)

(1) Departemen Arkeologi, Fakultas Ilmu Budaya, Universitas Gadjah Mada
(*) Corresponding Author


Learning can be done by anyone and anywhere. Cultural heritage provides an alternative interesting
learning resource. It is just that not many people understand the benefts that can be obtained from
cultural heritage. Tis Community Service by FIB UGM in 2018 made an effort so that people
would be more familiar with learning resources from cultural heritage objects. Te objects used in
this study are reliefs which depict a music group from the Borobudur Temple. Tis choice is based
on Gardner's theory which states that every human being has a different intelligence. Among the
nine intelligences presented by Gardner, musical intelligence is one of them. By applying Gardner's
theory, especially musical intelligence, the introduction of objects of relief about people playing music
from Borobudur reliefs to people who like music is expected to be able to facilitate them to capture
the message conveyed.

Reliefs about people playing music from Borobudur Temple is introduced to a group of musicians,
namely the Pesantian Wisnu Sakti Tambakan group located in Tambakan Village, Jogonalan
District, Klaten Regency. Te way to do this is to look at and imitate body movements such as those
depicted on the reliefs of musicians playing musical instruments at Borobudur Temple. Te result
of the observations show that the participants feel the beauty of the movements and feel the sound of
the music produced with the position of the hands and the appropriate instruments so as to produce
beautiful and unique sounds. From the process of the activities carried out, this group was able to
produce several pieces of music. Te music produced also make the participants feel happy and plan
to use the results of this learning for various activities.


Community Service, use of cultural heritage, Gardner’s theory, Pesantian Tambakan-Klaten Sakti Wisnu

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