Pengaruh sosial media terhadap user engagement pada akun facebook perpustakaan perguruan tinggi

Nova Indah Wijayanti(1*), Rita Yulianti(2), Bagus Wijaya(3)

(1) Perpustakaan Universitas Gadjah Mada, Yogyakarta
(2) Perpustakaan Universitas Gadjah Mada, Yogyakarta
(3) Perpustakaan Universitas Gadjah Mada, Yogyakarta
(*) Corresponding Author


Introduction. This research aims to determine the utilization of social media, especially Facebook in  academic libraries. It explores the impact of Facebook  content to user activity with the level of user engagement. This research is considered signifincat due to the fact that social media has not been used optimally by the libraries.

Data collection methods. This research used a qualitative approach method with interviews by considering user engagement parameters in 4 categories: (1) Literature Exhibits (2) Engaging topic (3) Community Building (4) Library showcasing. This study also used data histories and  Facebook content. Using 5 state academic libraries, the data was gatheres by grouping the data of the user engagement  with the  followers’  response including activities of like, comment, shares from each account.

Analysis Data. This research was analysed by using a content analysis.

Results and discusions. Most libarires post the category of Library Showcasing, while most users respond to the category Enganging Topics. Facebook has effects of increasing user engagement . It is found that there is a mismatch between postings from admin staff and the follower responses.

Conclusions.  Social media function in library is considered as an effective channel of communication, promotion, marketing as well as to improve user engagement. The decicion making related to library services by utilizing social media has not been conducted.


user engagement; library; facebook; social media; user

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