Analisis kepuasan pemustaka terhadap kualitas layanan perpustakaan di perguruan tinggi vokasi dengan metode servqual dan importance-performace analysis

Renanda Nia Rachmadita(1*), Wibowo Arninputranto(2)

(1) Politeknik Perkapalan Negeri Surabaya
(2) Politeknik Perkapalan Negeri Surabaya
(*) Corresponding Author


Introduction. Library in Vocational Higher Education is required to provide the best services in facilities, learning environmentbased on the characteristics of vocational education. This study aims to measure the level of satisfaction of library services  in vocational colleges.

Data Collection Method. The questionnaires were distributed to 150 respondents including students and lecturersbased on five dimensions of Servqual.

Data Analysis. The analysis was conducted  by identifying  the gap between perception and expectation using Importance-Performance Analysis method.

Results and Discussions. Overall, the analysis if the gap for all Servqual dimensions was negative. Some services needto be  improved  to meet user expectations. By using Importance-Performance Analysis, itwas found that the attribute P10 (Library needs to provide an adequate online catalog) should be prioritized..

Conclusions. It is expected that the library can improve the services based on the users’ needs.


Servqual; Hope and Perception; Level of Satisfaction; Library

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