Analisis Pengunjung Perpustakaan dan Peminjaman Buku Tercetak pada Perpustakaan Universitas Airlangga

Dewi Puspitasari(1*)

(1) Perpustakaan Universitas Airlangga
(*) Corresponding Author


Library as an information center is bridge toward mastery of science and technology. Libraries have an important contribution to the opening of information about science. The library is the heart of the academic life of activity, because information can be obtained from the library that can be used as a basis for the development of science. Airlangga University Library supports the achievement of Tri Dharma Perguruan Tinggi by providing resources that support the learning process, it is necessary to do research on traffic levels and the amount of borrowing books from Airlangga University student group. The results of the research library of the University of Airlangga shows the largest number of visitors to the library during the year 2013 which is 102 347 people FISIP students. Students of the Faculty of Maritime Affairs and Fisheries at least coming to the library which is 3,126 people. The percentage of borrowers associated with the most visitors are the students of the Faculty of Law which is 50.4% or 7,207 persons. While the percentage of students of the Faculty of Pharmacy at least borrow a book that is 5.8% or 1,528 people.


Library; Servis

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