Sarwono Sarwono(1*)
(*) Corresponding Author
One of the most important elements in a library is librarians. The profession of librarians in Indonesia is divided into two. namely skilled and expert librarians. Based on the existing niles, the promotion of functional level of libraritms is achieved by credit rate collecfions without age and gender difference. As a result, the functional position of expert librarians can be done quicker and earlier to develop the careers. The achievemel/l motivation of the expert librarums at the Library of Gadjah Mada University in developing their career is imeresting to explore as it has 35 librarians.
This is a qualitative study by using a descriptive analytical approach with in-depth interviews and direct observation to describe the characteristics of the study objects. The informants were expert librarians at GMU Library. The data were collected through librmy research, observations, interviews atUI documentation study and were anayzed qualitatively. The data analysis was conducted by reduction and display data, conclusion and verification.
The result shows that the motivation to become a librarian exists after the informants worked in the library as they understand the advantages of librarian position. The motivation of achievemem qllibrarians may be caused by the challenges, happiness etc. The motivation may also comeji-om themselves and the influences ql outside factors such as supervisors' encourt1gement, fimt ily and environment support.
The barriers mostly found among librarians were the ability to write scientific writings.
untidy and lazy. Meanwhile, the dual role is not a barrier because of time management and family
There are different motivations af achievement among male and female librarians. The female librarians show more development. In fact, there are more female librarians who have a responsibility to manage faculty libraries. The high educational level of female librarians may provide high motivation on themselves
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