Evaluasi Literatur dengan Menggunakan Analisis Sitiran Terhadap Skripsi Jurusan Manajemen Hutan Tahun 2008 di Perpustakaan Fakultas Kehutanan UGM


Isbandini Isbandini(1*)

(1) Perpustakaan UGM
(*) Corresponding Author


The purpose of this research is : (1) to know the literature obsolescence cited on the 2008 theses Forest Management Department, Faculty of Forestry UGM (2) to know the growth of literature based on the type and language of collection which were mostly cited by students of the Forest Management Department, Faculty of Forestry UGM in writing theses during 2008, (3) to know the availability of a collection cited by students of the Forest Management Department, Faculty of Forestry Gadjah Mada University in writing theses in 2008, this study is a descriptive research, with research subjects is the theses of Forest Management, Faculty of Forestry Gadjah Mada University in 2008 which amounted to 67 theses and research objects is all the literature included in the cited bibliography on Forest Management theses, Faculty of Forestry Gadjah Mada University in 2008 which amounted to 1498. Method of data collection uses documentation. Data analysis uses citation analysis. The results show that: (1) the literature obsolescence of the theses aged 8 years or ;ess is up to date and aged more than 8 years is out of date (2) the growth of literature on this research shows 8 years, this means that the growth of Forest Management literature is quickly enough when compared with other sciences, while the growth of the literature based on literature and language of the literature indicates that the book is a kind of literature the most widely cited with citation 950 (63, 42%), the language of literature the most widely cited is the Indonesian-language literature with the 1328 citation (88.65%), (3) overall citation data in this study found 865 citation or 57.74% cited in the literature on theses writing is available at the library and as many as 633 or 42.26% citation is cited literature is not available in the library.


Citation analysis; Half life literature; Obsolescence literature

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.22146/bip.8831

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