Menumbuhkan Perpustakaan Komunitas : Study Kasus Pada Taman Baca di TK Melati Ceria School Surabaya dan Taman Baca di TK Aisyiah 06 Surabaya

Dewi Puspitasari(1*)
(1) Perpustakaan Universitas Airlangga
(*) Corresponding Author
Community library is one of the alternative libraries that arise among community members. It is initiated by a particular groups of people who have concerns over the low reading habits among community members. These people hoped that by forming a community library will increase reading interest among community members.
A research on this community library is done to study such initiative. This research was done by observing two kindergarten, those were TK Melati Ceria and TK Aisiyah 06. Both of these school have a reading corner that was established and nurtured by the Library of the Airlangga University.
Using a qualitative descriptive method, this research aimed to understand the development of these reading corners and to examine if these reading corners grew into community libraries or not.
The result of this research showed that since 2011, both TK Melati Ceria and TK Aisiyah 06 run well. The books donated by Airlangga University Library, are well used, although some are worn out due to frequent use. Both the corners has turned into community libraries, and yet, they operate just like any other school libraries.
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PDFReferences Diakses tanggal 23 september 2014
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