Determinan rokok elektrik di Indonesia: data SUSENAS (Survei Sosial Ekonomi Nasional) tahun 2017

Musliyah Syahrawani Elsa(1*), Mardiati Nadjib(2)

(1) Ekonomi Kesehatan Universitas Indonesia
(2) Ekonomi Kesehatan Universitas Indonesia
(*) Corresponding Author


Electric cigarette determinants in Indonesia: using SUSENAS (National Social Economic Survey) data in 2017 

Purpose: Socio-economic disparity has been established to use conventional cigarettes, but the socio-economic picture of the use of e-cigarettes has not been well described. Therefore, this study aims to estimate the socio-economic determinants and behavior of conventional cigarettes on the use of e-cigarettes in Indonesia.

Method: This study data uses SUSENAS (National Socio-Economic Survey) data with a cross sectional method collected in March 2017. To see the determinants of the use of e-cigarettes, this study conducted econometric analysis using LPM and Probit analysis. This analysis was carried out using STATA software version 14.

Results: of all the independent variables in this study, which showed a significant relationship to the dependent variable (electric smoking) was age 25-45 years, gender, regional status, education, economic status in quintile 5, and all categories of tobacco smoking status. The pseudo R2 results on the probit model show results of 0.2373.

Conclusion: Social economics is a factor associated with electric smoking behavior as well as smoking status. Age has a relationship with electrical smoking behavior where for Indonesia the age group that smokes electrically is dominated by adults (25-45) and parents (45- 65). In addition, secondary education, higher education, and individuals who have economic status in quintile 5 have a significant relationship with the use of e-cigarettes. Factors that use tobacco cigarettes which are currently active smokers, who have quit smoking and who have never smoked, contribute to electric smoking behavior. 


electric cigarettes; determinants; SUSENAS

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