Hospital readiness at Yogyakarta and surrounding areas to implement telepsychiatry

Daniel C.A. Nugroho(1*), Eko Nugroho(2), Carla Raymondalexas Marchira(3)
(1) Department of Medical Information and Technology, Duta Wacana Christian University
(2) Department of Health Information Management System, Universitas Gadjah Mada
(3) Department of Mental Health, Universitas Gadjah Mada
(*) Corresponding Author
Purpose: This study aims to determine hospitals’ readiness before implementing telepsychiatry.
Method: This case study analyses the results of interviews from Head of Psychiatry Department or equivalent, information systems administrator and psychiatrist at 3 Mental Hospitals and 1 General Hospital. Interviews and observations were then compared with related theories.
Results: RSJS Magelang does not have adequate infrastructure for telepsychiatry implementation. RSUP Sardjito having difficulties in terms of management, infrastructure and the desire to use telepsychiatry. RSJ Grhasia having obstacles in terms of management and fulfillment of infrastructure needs. RSJD Soedjarwadi does not have any obstacles if they start to implement telepsychiatry.
Conclusion: RSJD Soedjarwadi is ready to implement telepsychiatry. As for other hospitals need further improvement, mainly in their infrastructure
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