The effect of educative games by peer-group on knowledge of reproductive health, HIV-AIDS, and drug abuse

Intan Farida Yasmin(1*), Dicky Adi Putra(2), Lia Fristka(3), Jimmi Lihartanadi(4), Matt Biondi(5), Ayu Kartika Sari(6), Alain Laurent(7), Matt Biondi(8), Jimmi Lihartanadi(9), Christiani Christiani(10), Ayu Kartika Sari(11), Jimmi Lihartanadi(12), Matt Biondi(13), Matt Biondi(14), Christiani Christiani(15), Ayu Kartika Sari(16), Alain Laurent(17)
(1) Universitas YARSI
(2) RSUD Koja
(3) Puskesmas Kosambi
(4) dokter PPDS IPD UGM
(5) Mayapada Hospital Tangerang.
(6) RSU Siloam
(7) RSPAD Gatot Soebroto
(8) Mayapada Hospital Tangerang.
(9) dokter PPDS IPD UGM
(10) RSU Jampangkulon
(11) RSU Siloam
(12) dokter PPDS IPD UGM
(13) Mayapada Hospital Tangerang.
(14) Mayapada Hospital Tangerang.
(15) RSU Jampangkulon
(16) RSU Siloam
(17) RSPAD Gatot Soebroto
(*) Corresponding Author
Purpose: We intended to analyze the effects of educative games provided by peer groups as a method to increase knowledge of reproductive health, HIV-AIDS, drug abuse among high school students.
Method: Twenty students (peer-counselor group) of junior high school in Keruak, East Lombok were educated using board games and a series of flashcards containing information on reproductive health, HIV-AIDS, and drug abuse before they educated other students (non-counselor group, n=119) using the same educative game. Pre and post scores analysis was conducted among both groups.
Results: The post-game scores of both peer-counselor and non-counselor groups were increased significantly after playing board games and flashcards. The non-counselor group gained a 1.9-fold, 2.6-fold, and 4.5-fold increase in post-game scores compared to pre-game scores (p < 0.01) in reproductive health, HIV-AIDS, and drug abuse topics, respectively. After completing the educative games, the proportion of students who had a high level of knowledge about reproductive health, HIV-AIDS, and drug abuse was increased significantly (0% to 26.9% p <0.01, 3.4% to 26.9% p <0.01, 18.5% to 61.3% p <0.01, respectively).
Conclusion: Using educative games and peer-group approach as health promotion methods increased knowledge in reproductive health, HIV-AIDS, and drug abuse among adolescent students. In the future, this method could be adopted nationally as part of an educational health promotion program.
Keywords: HIV-AIDS, Reproductive Health, Educative Games, Peer-group, Drug abuse
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