Farhan, Farid, Fakultas Kesehatan Masyarakat, Universitas Islam Negeri Sumatera Utara, Indonesia
Vol 34, No 11 (2018): Proceedings of the 4th UGM Public Health Symposium - Environmental Health
Kualitas hidup pedagang kaki lima: perspektif lingkungan
Abstract PDF (Bahasa Indonesia) -
Vol 34, No 11 (2018): Proceedings of the 4th UGM Public Health Symposium - Health and Social Behavior
Kualitas hidup pedagang kaki lima ditinjau dari perspektif sosial
Abstract PDF (Bahasa Indonesia) -
Vol 34, No 11 (2018): Proceedings of the 4th UGM Public Health Symposium - Environmental Health
Kualitas hidup pedagang kaki lima di Medan ditinjau dari sisi kondisi lingkungan fisik
Abstract PDF (Bahasa Indonesia) -
Vol 34, No 11 (2018): Proceedings of the 4th UGM Public Health Symposium - Health and Social Behavior
Quality of life street vendor in Medan city: psychological aspects
Abstract PDF (Bahasa Indonesia)