Saputro, Niko Tesni, Universitas Gadjah Mada, Indonesia
Vol 34, No 11 (2018): Proceedings of the 4th UGM Public Health Symposium - Public Health Informatics
Tantangan penerapan Peraturan Presiden nomor 82 tahun 2018 dalam mendukung sistem informasi surveillans di dinas kesehatan
Abstract PDF (Bahasa Indonesia) -
Vol 35, No 4 (2019): Proceedings the 5th UGM Public Health Symposium - Public Health Informatics
Mengenal DHIS2: platform integrasi data
Abstract PDF (Bahasa Indonesia) -
Vol 35, No 4 (2019): Proceedings the 5th UGM Public Health Symposium - Public Health Informatics
Prototipe sistem informasi penilaian kinerja kegiatan di BBTKLPP Yogyakarta
Abstract PDF (Bahasa Indonesia)