Perbandingan Kapasitas Pesan pada Steganografi DCT Sekuensial dan Steganografi DCT F5 dengan Penerapan Point Operation Image Enhancement

Dian Hafidh Zulfikar(1*), Agus Harjoko(2)
(2) Jurusan Ilmu Komputer dan Elektronika, FMIPA UGM, Yogyakarta
(*) Corresponding Author
Based on test results that have to be got several conclusions that capacity steganographic message on DCT sequential greater than the DCT F5 steganography either before or after application of the application POIE, stego image quality on DCT steganography F5 better than the sequential DCT steganography well before the application POIE and after application of POIE, both F5 and steganography steganography DCT DCT sequential equally resistant to manipulation of stego image.
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