Comparison Non-Parametric Machine Learning Algorithms for Prediction of Employee Talent

I Ketut Adi Wirayasa(1*), Arko Djajadi(2), H andri Santoso(3), Eko Indrajit(4)

(1) Department of Computer Science, Universitas Pradita, Banten
(2) Department of Computer Science, Universitas Pradita, Banten
(3) Department of Computer Science, Universitas Pradita, Banten
(4) Department of Computer Science, Universitas Pradita, Banten
(*) Corresponding Author


Classification of ordinal data is part of categorical data. Ordinal data consists of features with values based on order or ranking. The use of machine learning methods in Human Resources Management is intended to support decision-making based on objective data analysis, and not on subjective aspects. The purpose of this study is to analyze the relationship between features, and whether the features used as objective factors can classify, and predict certain talented employees or not. This study uses a public dataset provided by IBM analytics. Analysis of the dataset using statistical tests, and confirmatory factor analysis validity tests, intended to determine the relationship or correlation between features in formulating hypothesis testing before building a model by using a comparison of four algorithms, namely Support Vector Machine, K-Nearest Neighbor, Decision Tree, and Artificial Neural Networks. The test results are expressed in the Confusion Matrix, and report classification of each model. The best evaluation is produced by the SVM algorithm with the same Accuracy, Precision, and Recall values, which are 94.00%, Sensitivity 93.28%, False Positive rate 4.62%, False Negative rate 6.72%,  and AUC-ROC curve value 0.97 with an excellent category in performing classification of the employee talent prediction model.


non-parametric; machine learning; ordinal data; employee talent

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