Rice Planting Calendar Application Development using Scrum


Gita Fadila Fitriana(1*), Novian Adi Prasetyo(2)

(1) Software Engineering, Faculty of Informatic, Institut Teknologi Telkom Purwokerto, Purwokerto
(2) Informatic, Faculty of Informatic, Institut Teknologi Telkom Purwokerto, Purwokerto
(*) Corresponding Author


Indonesia is an agricultural country that produces more rice commodities than secondary crops. Many people who work as farmers choose the land to plant rice. Farmers experience several obstacles in determining the correct planting time to improve the rice harvest quality. A planting calendar is a method used by farmers to determine the scheduling of planting for one year. The rice planting calendar works based on rainfall and climate patterns. With the help of the latest technology, determining the rice planting calendar can be done quickly. The utilization of computer technology and algorithms such as Artificial Neural Network is helpful for forecasting rainfall using time series data accurately in the following month. The planting calendar is connected to data from the Meteorology, Climatology and Geophysics Agency (BMKG) from each station in each region. The rice planting calendar is made on a mobile basis with the aim of providing convenience for users in their hands. This cropping calendar application was developed using the Scrum method. The application development stages consist of sprint planning, first sprint, second sprint, third sprint and usability testing. The results of the development of the sprint went well. After completing the story, it was continued with the usability testing stage using the System Usability Scale (SUS). The SUS test was given to 20 respondents who had criteria including farmers and landowners. The results of SUS on the rice planting calendar application got a score of 72.75, which was categorized as Good.


BMKG; planting calender; sprint method; rice; System Usability Scale (SUS)

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.22146/ijccs.70155

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