GDSS Development of Bali Tourism Destinations With AHP and Borda Algorithms Based on Tri Hita Karana

Putu Sugiartawan(1*), I Gede Iwan Sudipa(2), I Komang Arya Ganda Wiguna(3)

(1) Teknologi Informasi; INSTIKI, Bali
(2) Teknologi Informasi; INSTIKI, Bali
(3) Teknologi Informasi; INSTIKI, Bali
(*) Corresponding Author


Development of Bali tourist destinations using the concept of local wisdom Tri Hita Karana (THK). THK is a concept that contains the philosophy of community life in Bali which means three causes of welfare. This concept is needed to realize tourism, culture and nature. In determining a decision to develop an object in a tourist destination using the THK concept, knowledge from several stakeholders is needed. To combine decisions from several stakeholders is needed. GDSS is a computer-based system that can support the Bali Provincial Government Tourism Office and several components involved in THK to take a decision in developing an object in a tourist destination. To determine the decision of each individual used the AHP model. The AHP model is a model that can solve complex multi-criteria problems into a hierarchy. This AHP model will produce alternative individual decisions from the results of parameter weight processing for each individual. Based on the final result of the GDSS, the development of Bali tourism destinations based on THK is in the form of ranking of the six parameters used (Promotion of tourist destinations, Improvement of facilities, Human Resources, Synergy, Environmental preservation, Setting of holy places). The alternative that has the highest value is used as a reference in developing a THK-based tourist destination,



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