Comparison of CNN Models With Transfer Learning in the Classification of Insect Pests

Angga Prima Syahputra(1), Alda Cendekia Siregar(2*), Rachmat Wahid Saleh Insani(3)

(1) Universitas Muhammadiyah Pontianak
(2) Universitas Muhammadiyah Pontianak
(3) Universitas Muhammadiyah Pontianak
(*) Corresponding Author


Insect pests are an important problem to overcome in agriculture. The purpose of this research is to classify insect pests with the IP-102 dataset using several CNN pre-trained models and choose which model is best for classifying insect pest data. The method used is the transfer learning method with a fine-tuning approach. Transfer learning was chosen because this technique can use the features and weights that have been obtained during the previous training process. Thus, computation time can be reduced and accuracy can be increased. The models used include Xception, MobileNetV3L, MobileNetV2, DenseNet-201, and InceptionV3. Fine-tuning and freeze layer techniques are also used to improve the quality of the resulting model, making it more accurate and better suited to the problem at hand. This study uses 75,222 image data with 102 classes. The results of this study are the DenseNet-201 model with fine-tuning produces an accuracy value of 70%, MobileNetV2 66%, MobileNetV3L 68%, InceptionV3 67%, Xception 69%. The conclusion of this study is that the transfer learning method with the fine-tuning approach produces the highest accuracy value of 70% in the DenseNet-201 model.


CNN, transfer learning, fine-tuning, classification, Insect pest

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