Simulation Technique in Determining Student Attendance Using The Monte Carlo Method

Klara Bonita Madao(1*), I Gusti Ayu Ngurah Kade Sukiastini(2), Engelina Prisca Kalensun(3)

(1) Computer Engineering Study Program; STMIKAgamua Wamena, Papua
(2) Computer Engineering Study Program; STMIKAgamua Wamena, Papua
(3) Information Systems Study Program; STMIKAgamua Wamena, Papua
(*) Corresponding Author


In lectures, attendance is one of the assessment points that play an important role in determining a student's graduation. When a student is in the upper semester their attendance rate at lectures starts to decrease. The attendance prediction simulation is an estimate of the calculation of student attendance in lectures. This type of research is quantitative research using data collection techniques using observation and documentation study. In the process of analysis, the observed data were attendance data of 5th-semester computer engineering study program students and a sample of 83 people as research subjects. The stages of the monte carlo simulation are used: Determining variable frequency; Calculating cumulative probabilities; Determining random number intervals; Creating a simulation to determine student attendance; Generating random numbers; Make a simulation of the experimental circuit. The simulation is carried out by comparing and entering random numbers that have been generated into a comparison simulation of attendance and absence data for 5th-semester computer engineering study program students at the STMIK Agamua Wamena Papua Campus, starting from October 3 to October 31, 2022. Based on a series of experimental data that has The simulation results obtained predicted attendance and absence of computer engineering study program students at the STMIK Agamua Wamena campus from November 7 to December 19, 2022 with an average attendance of above 50%.


Attendance; Simulation; Monte carlo; Prediction

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