Klasifikasi Kemurnian Daging Sapi Berbasis Electronic Nose dengan Metode Principal Component Analysis

Fachri Rosyad(1*), Danang Lenono(2)
(2) Department of Computer Science and Electronics, Universitas Gadjah Mada
(*) Corresponding Author
Adulterated beef samples were prepared with pork content within samples varied by 20%, 40%, 60%, and 80% of total sample mass where the sample mass is 20 grams. The 10 days data collecting consists of sensing and flushing cycles for 180 seconds each cycles, with 6 times process repeating over 1 day. Data processing was carried out in several stages which including signal preprocessing based on baseline manipulation, feature extraction by calculating the area of the response signal curve by using trapezoidal rule of integral approximation, and multivariate analysis using PCA.
Cumulative percentage of variance of two principal components of beef and pork classification test yields at 99.9% of total variance, and classification test between pure beef and adulterated beef resulting in 99.6% of total variance. Therefore, it can be concluded that electronic nose can classify between pure beef and adulterated beef.
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