Penerapan Sistem Kendali PID untuk KestabilanTwin-Tiltrotor dengan Metode DCM

Andi Dharmawan(1*), Sani Pramudita(2)
(1) Department of Computer Science and Electronics, Universitas Gadjah Mada
(*) Corresponding Author
DCM is a method that transform data obtained from IMU sensor (accelerometer, gyroscope, and magnetometer) and used as a refrence angle of stability of a tiltrotor controlled by PID algorithm. The results of PID will control the servo and brushless motor.
The results of this study shows that the stability of the tiltrotor influenced by the position of the load and center of gravity. Beside that, by using the DCM, the result of conversion of sensor data into an angel, has an accuration ±0.11 for roll angle and ±0.15 for pitch angle. PID value of pitch is Kp 0.8, Ki 0.4, and Kd 0.03, while roll angle is Kp 0.32, Ki 0.03, and Kd 0.003.
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