Penerapan Sistem Kendali PID pada Antena Pendeteksi Koordinat Posisi UAV

Mahendra Budi Nugraha(1*), Raden Sumiharto(2)
(2) Department of Computer Science and Electronics, Universitas Gadjah Mada
(*) Corresponding Author
The result from this project is implementation PID control system with Ziegler-Nichols’s method. There ara 3 variations in Ziegler-Nichols’s table, that are P, PI, and PID control system. The PD control system also implemented with integral’s control set on 0. The control system that has a good response is PD control system with Kp = 11,375 and Kd = 0,372531 on azimuth’s control whereas elevasi’s control with Kp = 3,41 and Kd = 0,111464. Response that produced by azimuth’s control is 0,32 second and elevasi’s control is 0,34 second.
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