Pre-Weaning Growth of Etawah Grade Kids Based on Doe’s Hair Color Differences

I Gede Suparta Budisatria(1*)

(1) Fakultas Peternakan, Universitas Gadjah Mada
(*) Corresponding Author


This study was aimed to determine the effect of in hair color differences of Etawah Grade does on the pre-weaning growth of kids. Twenty eight Etawah Grade kids which born from 21 does were divided into different hair color group : 7 goats with black-white color patterns (BW), 7 goats with brown-white color patterns (BR), and 7 goats with combination of black-brown-white color patterns (CC) or mixed colors. The research data consisted of milk consumption, pre-weaning growth of kids and body size. The data was analized using anaysis of variance with one-way anova and continued with Duncan’s New Multiple Range Test for significant differences. The results indicated that there was a significant differences (P<0.05) on daily milk consumption of Etawah Grade kids born from the does with differences hair colors ((BW: 645.84±311.76 g/days, BR: 711.23±240.22 g/days; CC: 603.54±224.97 g/days). There was no effect of hair color pattern’s does on the birth weight (BW: 3.32±0.34 kg, BR: 3.44±0.30 kg, CC: 3.36±0.39 kg, weaning weight (BW: 13.39±1.72 kg, BR: 14.98±2.38 kg, CC: 14.21±2.45 kg), average daily gain (BW: 89.00±23.74 g/days, BR: 106.88±17.27 g/days, CC: 97.33±16.53 g/days),  and body size’s of kids (body length, shoulder height, hearth girth, chest depth, and ear length). It can be concluded that the kids of Etawah Grade goats born from the doe with difference hair color patterns have the same pre-weaning growth except for milk consumption.


Etawah Grade goat, Hair color, Pre-weaning growth

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