Nitrogen Balance of Bligon And Kejobong Goat Fed King Grass and Peanut Straw

Lies Mira Yusiati(1*)

(1) Faculty of Animal Science, Gadjah Mada University, Indonesia
(*) Corresponding Author


Five male Kejobong goats, six female Kejobong goats and six male Bligon goats were used in this experiment to compare their nitrogen balance when they received the diet consist of King grass and peanut straw. The animals were put in the metabolism cages, fed ad libitum twice a day at 08.00 am and 15.00 pm. The feeding trial was run for one-week collection period, after couple month of adaptation period. During collection period, samples of feed, uneaten feed, as well as feces were taken out for dry matter and nitrogen measurements. Daily urine collection was done for nitrogen analysis. The data of N intake and fecal N excretion were used to calculate nitrogen absorbed. Nitrogen balance were calculate from N absorbed substracted  by urinary N excretion. The result showed, there were no significant differences in dry matter and N intake between male Bligon, male Kejobong as well as female Kejobong. When it was presented in metabolic body weight, the dry matter intake of male Bligon significantly lower compared with female Kejobong (59.99vs.68.99g/W0.75/day) while the N intake of male Bligon significantly lower compared with male and female Kejobong. No differences were found for fecal and urinary N excretion as well as N digested and N balance between the goats. When it was expressed in metabolic body weight, N digested of male Bligon (0.58g/W0.75/day) significantly lower than male Kejobong (0.70 g/W0.75/day) and female Kejobong (0.81 g/W0.75/day. It could be concluded that King grass- peanut straw mixed diet could fulfill N requirement for male Bligon,  male Kejobong as well as female Kejobong goat although metabolism response of goat could be different among breeds and sex.


Nitrogen balance, male Bligon, male Kejobong and female Kejobong goats

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