Effect of fed complete feed plus on quality and milk production of dairy cow

Ristianto Utomo(1*)

(1) Faculty of Animal Science Universitas Gadjah Mada, Yogyakarta, Indonesia
(*) Corresponding Author


Ratio of forages and concentrate used in dairy ration affects the quality and quantity of milk production. Concentrate is used for supporting the requirement of milk production and keep the total solid (TS) in it's minimal amount. Forages are used for keep the milk fat in the minimal amount. The use of complete feed for practical reason or as problem-solver of lack of feed during the dry season tends to reduce milk fat. The use of soluble fiber feedstuffs in complete feed was expected to maintain milk yield without reducing fat contents, and TS. This research used Friesian Holstein crossbred. Six two-month lactating cows with average milk production of 12 litre/head/d which were divided into two feeding treatment: conventional feed (PKvn) and complete feed (PKpl). Experimental design used in this research was cross over design, where in the first period three cows in the first group were fed by PKvn and the second group by PKpl. In the second period, first group were offered PKpl and another group by PKvn. Each period was done in six weeks, including the adaptation period. Data collection consist of feed intake, chemical composition of feed, milk production and quality. The results of this research showed that there were no differences between PKvn and PKpl on milk production (7.649 vs 7.247 litre/d), milk fat (3.29 vs 3.24%), and TS (11.12 vs 11.15%), but significant differences were shown (P< 0.05) on the specific gravity (1.025 vs 1.027). It can be concluded that: cassava pomace and corn cobs can be used as fiber source for complete feed of dairy cow, ofering complete feed to dairy cows does not give any negative effect on production and quality of milk, gave positive effect on specific gravity of milk.


Friesian Holstein crossbred, milk production, milk quality, complete feed

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