Biomass Production of Pueraria javanica Using Rhizobium Inoculant and Urine Bali Cattle in East Borneo
Ida Ketut Mudhita(1*), Nafiatul Umami(2), Subur Priyono Sasmito Budhi(3), Endang Baliarti(4)
(1) Faculty of Agriculture, Antakusuma University Pangkalan Bun
(2) Faculty of Animal Science, GadjahMada University Yogyakarta
(3) Faculty of Animal Science, GadjahMada University Yogyakarta
(4) Faculty of Animal Science, GadjahMada University Yogyakarta
(*) Corresponding Author
This research activity aims to know the productivity of legume cover crop Pueraria javanica inoculated Rhizobium and cattle urine. P. Javanica legume was planted on 24 plots using size of 3x2 m and planting space of 30 cm in palm oil plantations East Kutai. There were four treatments, with inoculated Rhizobium (R+), without inoculated Rhizobium (R-), urine cattle (U+) and without urine (U-) of the six replications (plots). Rhizobium bacteria inoculated on P. Javanica seeds before planting, urine was given after a 2 week old plants. The research design used completely randomized factorial design (2x2) with 6 replication, data were analyzed using ANOVA and continued with Duncan test if the treatment effect on the parameters observed. Data collected were: germination percentage, dry weight yields, leaves and steam weight, leaves and steam ratio, number and weight of root nodule, nutrient content (e.g. organic matter, crude protein, ash, crude ber, neutral detergent ber, acid detergent ber), tannin and fenol. The results showed that percentage germination below 50% and not signi cantly, interaction Rhizobium and urine were signi cantly (P<0.05) on dry weight production and steam production. There was no effect on other parameters. It was concluded that Rhizobium and urine treatment given better results in crop production.
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