Effect of Mating and Polymorphism Insulin Like Growth Factor Binding Protein 2 Gene on Body Weight and Heritability of Kampung Chicken

Sri-Sudaryati Sri-Sudaryati(1*), J.H.P. Sidadolog(2), Wihandoyo Wihandoyo(3), W. T. Artama(4)

(1) Faculty of Animal Science Universitas Gadjah Mada, Indonesia
(2) Faculty of Animal Science Universitas Gadjah Mada, Indonesia
(3) Faculty of Animal Science Universitas Gadjah Mada, Indonesia
(4) Faculty of Veterinary Science Universitas Gadjah Mada, Indonesia.
(*) Corresponding Author


Insulin-like growth factor binding protein 2 (IGFBP 2) regulates a broad spectrum of biological activities involved in growth, development, and differentiation. Single nucleotide polymorphisms C1032T of IGFBP2 gene was used to genotyped parents and their progenies of Kampung chicken using PCR-RFLP method. Found 3 genotypes that were CC, CT and TT. Four pairs mating that were CC><CC (1), TT><CT (2), CT><CT (3), and CC><CT (4), were raised to produce their progenies. Then the progenies was raised until 12 week of age and weekly weighed individually. Weekly body weight was analized by analysed one way of variance, heritability and breding value was analyzed by formula of Falconer and MacKay (1997). The result showed that eventhough the weekly body weight inconsistency in weight gain but progeny of mating 3 and 4 had better body weight than progeny of mating 1 and 2. Weekly body weight heritability was low to high (0.013 - 0.681), moderate heritability was on age 2 week (0.446) and high heritability was on 12 week of age (0.681). Breeding values were gain wider with the increasing age. Progeny of mating number 1 and 2 showed slower growth rate than number 3, and the best growth rate was progeny of number 4 at periode 8 to 12 week age. It was concluded that IGFBP2 gene was associated with growth and parameter genetic in Kampung chicken. 


Kampung chicken, IGFBP2, body weight gain, heritability

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