Reproductive Performances of Ongole Crossbred Cattle Using Artificial Insemination Sexed Semen with Diferrent Methods
Trinil Susilawati(1*), Lieyo Wahyudi(2), Nurul Isnaini(3), Aulia Puspita Anugra Yekti(4)
(1) Laboratorium of Animal Reproduction, Animal husbandry faculty, Brawijaya University
(2) Postgraduate program of Animal husbandry faculty, Brawijaya University
(3) Laboratorium of Animal Reproduction, Animal husbandry faculty, Brawijaya University
(4) Laboratorium of Animal Reproduction, Animal husbandry faculty, Brawijaya University
(*) Corresponding Author
Arti cial Insemination (AI) clearly shows to improve the genetic quality of cattle which can be applied on cattle breeding farm. Sexing spermatozoa is a method that provides more value, because it may produce sex of calf as expected. There are several methods of sexing sperm that can be frozen and has been generated including frozen sexed semen using White Yolk Sedimentation and frozen sexed semen using Percoll Gradient Centrifugation. The purpose of this research was to determine the success of AI with frozen sexed semen based on non return rate (NRR), service per conception (S/C), conception rate (CR), and percentage of pregnancy. In this study, the total number of 81 acceptors was divided into 3 treatment groups, such as non sexed semen (T0); Frozen sexed semen using White Yolk Sedimentation (T1), and Frozen sexed semen using Percoll Gradient Centrifugation (T2). The results showed the differences of NRR percentage on those treatments, which were T0, had 74.07±12.00% of NRR; T1 had 65.43±5.66% of NRR and T2 had 64.19±8.56% of NRR respectively. The highest percentage of pregnancy was 59.25% at T0, followed by 51.85% at T1 and the lowest percentage of pregnancy was 44.44% at T2. The service per conception was found 2.31 at T0 followed by 3.00 at T2 and 3.33 at T1. Furthermore the highest of conception rate was found 44% at T0, continued with 25.91% at T2 and 18.51% at T1. The study concludes that the AI with frozen sexed semen remains able to give good performances of reproduction on Ongole crossbred cattle. This study suggests that the quality of frozen sexed semen should be increased to have better reproductive performances on Ongole crossbred cattle.
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