Supplementation of Cysteine on Plasma Membrane Integrity of Buck Spermatozoa
Sri Wahjuningsih(1*), Nuryadi Nuryadi(2), Achadiah Rachmawati(3)
(1) Faculty of Animal Husbandry , University of Brawijaya,Indonesia
(2) Faculty of Animal Husbandry , University of Brawijaya,Indonesia
(3) Faculty of Animal Husbandry , University of Brawijaya,Indonesia
(*) Corresponding Author
The purpose of the study was to determine Cysteine supplementation in the extender to plasma membrane integrity. Semen was collected using arti cial vagina from buck aged 2 to 2.5 years in normal reproduction. The design used was randomized block design with ten replication. Semen collection was done once a week. Only fresh semen with a minimum of 70% motile sperm and 80% morphologically normal were used in this research. Andromed as a based extender was diluted using aquabidest with a ratio of 1:4. The treatment was different concentration of Cysteine as follows : 0.0 mM (P0); 0.5 mM (P1), 1.0 mM (P2) and 1.5 mM (P3). Data analysis using analysis of variance (ANOVA). If there were any differences, Duncan test will used for further analysis The results showed that the percentage plasma membrane integrity on before freezing at 1 mM (75.64%) was higher (P <0.05) compared with a dose of 0.0 g (73.78%), and dose of 0.5mM (72.93%), but did not differ (P> 0.05 ) with a dose of 0.5 mM g (75.46%). Plasma membrane integrity on post thawing for P2 (73.16%)was higher (P <0.05) than P0 (69.8%), P1 (71.53%) and P3 (70.7 %). It was concluded that supplementation of Cysteine 1.0 mM is optimum concentration to maintain plasma membrane integrity of buck frozen semen.
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