Carcass Production and Chevon Quality of Kacang Buck Reared Traditionally in Grobogan, Central Java, Indonesia

Retno Adiwinarti(1*)

(1) Graduate student in Faculty of Animal Science, Gadjah Mada University, Yogyakarta, Indonesia
(*) Corresponding Author


Kacang goat is one of indigenous goats in Central Java, Indonesia. Kacang goats are mostly reared traditionally that lead to low in productivity. This research was done to study the productivity and meat quality of Kacang buck reared traditionally in Grobogan, Central Java where the buck are concentrated. Ten heads of Kacang buck reared by farmers having the slaughtered weight of 14.60±2.84 kg were used in this study. They were reared in a combination of grazed during the day and kept in animal housing at night. Data were analyzed descriptively, except for meat quality in the Longissimus dorsi and Bicep femoris muscles were analyzed using T-test. The average carcass weight was about 5.66±1.16 kg (38.79±2.41%). Those Kacang buck produced 3.57±1.05 kg of chevon (62.69±6.50% of carcass without kidney) and had meat bone ratio of 2.21±0.64. The pH value, water-holding capacity, cooking loss, and tenderness (Warner- Bratzler shear force) in the Longissimus dorsi and Bicep femoris muscles were similar. The value of pH, water-holding capacity, cooking loss, and tenderness (Warner-Bratzler shear force) in the Longissimus dorsi muscles were 6.27±0.02, 34.84± 2.34%, 25.28 ±2.97%, and 6.18±0.36 kg/cm2 respectively, while the value of those in the Bicep femoris muscles were 6.21±0.09, 32.35±1.83%, 25.91±3.03%, and 6.85±0.45 kg/cm2 respectively. The content of moisture, protein, and fat in the Longissimus dorsi and Bicep femoris muscles were similar. Moisture, protein, and fat content in the Longissimus dorsi muscles were 74.87±1.96%, 19.65±1.77%, and 3.10±0.95%, while those in the Bicep femoris muscles were 74.42±1.60%, 19.58±1.29%, and 3.30±0.55%. It can be concluded that the carcass production and meat quality of Kacang buck reared traditionally might be increased by improving better management practice. 


Carcass production, Kacang goat, Meat quality.

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