Antibacterial Activity of Fermented Milk Cultured with Yeast-LAB and added Sweet corn puree(Zea mays var. Saccharata) Against Pathogenic Bacteria

Yurliasni Yurliasni(1*)

(1) Milk Processing Technology and Science Laboratory, Faculty of Agriculture, Syiah Kuala University Darussalam-Banda Aceh
(*) Corresponding Author


Fermented milk is capable of suppressing the growth of pathogenic bacteria that can be harmful to human health. The objective of this research was to evaluate antibacterial activity of fermented milk added sweet corn and cultured with lactic acid bacteria (LAB) and yeast Kluyveromyces lactis. The LAB used in this research were Lactobacillus bulgaricus and Streptococcus thermophilus. The treatments were arranged in a factorial 2x2 and allocated in completely randomized design with four replications. The treatments were consist of two factors, A as level of sweet corn (A1= 25% and A2= 75%) and factor B as level of yeast (B1= 0,5% and B2= 1%) and LAB 5% for all treatment with four replications. There were two bacterial test (Escherichia coli and Staphilococcus aureus) used in the assay test. Antibacterial activity assay of product towards pathogenic bacteria was con rmed using disc paper difusion method. The result showed that E. coli sensitivity was highly signi cant different (P<0,01) towards sweet corn fermented milk using yeast 1% and 75 % addition of sweet puree with the avarage of wide of zone of inhibition was 5 mm. Furthermore, in the antibiotic sensitivity test for two antibiotics (tetracycline and chloramphenicol 30μg) showed that E. coli was highly sensitive to both antibiotics. On the other hand, S.aureus was resistance to fermented product but sensitive to both antibiotics that indicated by wide of zone of inhibition formed. As a conclusion, fermented milk cultured with yeast-LAB able to inhibit the growth of E coli in the invitro test. 


antibacterial, LAB, yeast, pathogenic, zone of inhibition

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