The Effect of Composting Liquid Organic Fertilizer Processing Residues on Compost Quality

Eulis Tanti Marlina(1*)

(1) Laboratory of Microbiology and Management Waste Animal Husbandry Padjadjaran University Bandung Indonesia Jl. Raya Bandung Sumedang KM 21 Sumedang 45363
(*) Corresponding Author


The Quality of compost can be described with a content of total N, P2O5 and K2O. Liquid organic fertilizer processing residues still contain organic material that can be decomposed by microbes into inorganic materials needed by plants. C/N ratio affects the activity of the bacteria decompose organic matter. This study aims to determine the content of N, P, and K compost from integrated processing beef cattle waste with a various C/N. The experiment using completely randomized design with 3 treatments of C/N ratio: T1 (C/N 20), T2 (25), T3 (30). The composting process is carried out for 35 days. Mixture used rice straw as a carbon source. Statistics analysis with ANOVA and difference of in uence between treatments studied to use Tukey’s test. The results showed that: (1) total N content in each treatment were signi cantly different, with a total N content of each treatment of 2.31% (T1), 2.80% (T2), and 2.48% ( T3). (2) P2O5 content between treatments did not show signi cant differences, with P2O5 content of each successive treatment of 1.31% (T1), 1.14% (T2), and 1.13% (T3). (3) the content of K2O show signi cant differences between treatments, with K2O content of each successive treatment 11,1% (T1), 11,8% (T2), and 11,29% (T3). 


compost, organic, fertilizer, C/N ratio, N, P2O5, K2O

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