Livestock husbandry in India: A blessing for poor

Nizamuddin Khan(1*)

(1) *Associate Professor; †Project Fellow; and ‡Research Scholar Department of Geography Aligarh Muslim University Aligarh India
(*) Corresponding Author


Livestock husbandry is an important economic asset in India. It contributed 5.36% to national GDP and 31.70% to agricultural GDP during 2006-07.Country recorded tremendous growth in livestock number as well as their products during 1991-02 to 2006-07.Buffallo and chicken recorded laudable change due to increasing demand of milk and meat at national and international level on account of increasing urbanization, increasing disposable income, food habit change and rise in health consciousness to take animal derived food. Cattle showed negative change or deceleration over the time owing to increasing agricultural mechanization and prohibition for their slaughter on religious ground. This sub sector of agricultural economy is a potential source of employment generation and income for rural poor landless and farmers as 15-40% of income for 75% of livestock rearers /holders earned from livestock husbandry and allied activities in the country.75% of female workforce in rural areas engaged in livestock related operation. Livestock holders dominantly belonging to backward castes and small and marginal holdings. It is suffering from infrastructural facilities as well as from negligence by government. In comparison to some Asian countries, Indian livestock husbandry is satisfactory but still need a support and incentive to bring this sector at the level of China and other countries especially in meat production. However, an efficient and practical livestock farming system based on socio economic conditions of livestock rearers with latest modern infrastructural facilities should be developed for harnessing the potential inherited in for poverty alleviation, rural transformation and reducing rural urban migration. Livestock –cropping integrated farming system is recommended for economically viable, socially acceptable and environmentally sustainable development of agriculture in the country.

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