Distilled liquid smoke as feed fat protector and it’s effect on fatty acids in rumen fluid

Nafly Comilo Tiven(1*), Lilis Hartati(2)

(1) Animal Husbandry Agriculture Faculty of Pattimura University Jln. Ir. M. Putuhena Kampus Unpatti-Poka Ambon. 97233
(2) Agriculture Faculty of Lambung Mangkurat University Jl A. Yani Km 36 Banjarbaru. 70714
(*) Corresponding Author


This study aims to determine the effect of dietary fat protection using distillated
liquid smoke on rumen fluid fatty acids. Crude palm oil (CPO) as a source of feed fat, mixed
with skim milk (1:2), then divided into 3 parts: without protected by distillated liquid smoke
(P0) and protected by distillated liquid smoke 2,5% (P1) and 5% (P2). For the in vitro test,
rumen fluid was used as a microbial donor with elephant grass and soybean meal (60:40) as
substrate. A total of 5% CPO was put in a syringe containing 30 ml of rumen fluid, substrate
and buffer, then anaerobically fermented at 39 o C for 48 hours. The parameters observed were
rumen fluid fatty acids. This study used a completely randomized design, with 3 treatments
(P0, P1, P2) each of 3 replications. The results showed that the source of feed fat protection
(CPO) used distilled liquid smoke, increasing (P<0.01) fatty acid composition of rumen fluid
fermented. P1 was better at increasing (P<0.01) unsaturated fatty acids in rumen fluids. It can
be concluded that liquid smoke can be used as a feed fat protector, because it can reduce
hydrogenation and increase unsaturated fatty acids in rumen fluids in vitro fermented.

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