Hydraulic and Hydrologic Modeling of Steep Channel of Putih River, Magelang District, Central Java Province, Indonesia

Adi Putri Anisa Widowati(1*)
(1) Universitas Gadjah Mada
(*) Corresponding Author
Hydrologic and hydraulic modeling are important to be conducted to examine the watershed response based on a rainfall input, especially over disaster-prone watershed such as Putih River watershed in Magelang, Central Java Province. A GIS-based grid-based distributed rainfall-runoff model was used to simulate the rainfall-runoff transformation. A two-dimensional hydrodynamic flow modeling was then carried out to simulate the flood processes on the stream and floodplain area. A sensitivity analysis was conducted on infiltration rate, Manning’s n value, and rainfall intensity. Infiltration rate, Manning’s n value, and rainfall intensity give considerable effects to the resulted flow hydrographs. The modeling results show that the results of hydrologic-hydraulic modeling is in good agreement with the observed results.
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