JIEB Religiusity TRA Screening 1, Excell: bebersih data kotor tidak lengkap bio tidak lengkap (tidak bisa di-Rasch) 474 jadi 459 Screening 2, SPSS: bersih data dr outliers cek multivariat outlier dgn mahalanobis (prob_MD lebih kecil dari 0,001) 459-23 = 436 CFA semua dimensi Raw Data from file 'F:\LISREL 11 Religiusitas TRA\JBVIreligiosity.psf' Latent Variables basic centrald experin knowledg orthop attitu subnor inten Relationships b1 b2 = basic c5 c8 c6 c7 = centrald e1 e2 = experin k1 k2 k3 = knowledg o2 o3 = orthop s1 s2 s3 s5 = attitu n1 n2 n3 n4 n5 = subnor i1 i2 i3 = inten Path Diagram PSFFile JBVIreligiosity.psf End of Problem !c1 c3 b4 e3 c2 c4 s4 o1 b3 i4 ====================================================================== Raw Data from file 'F:\LISREL 11 Religiusitas TRA\JBVIreligiosity_NS.PSF' Latent Variables basic cendut exprn knowldg ortho Attitud SubNorm Inten Relationships b1 b2 = basic c5 c8 c6 c7 = cendut e1 e2 = exprn k1 k2 k3 = knowldg o2 o3 = ortho s1 s2 s4 s5 = Attitud n1 n2 n3 n4 n5 = SubNorm i1 i2 i3 i4 = Inten !PSFFile JBVIreligiosity_NS.PSF Set Variance of basic To 1 Set Variance of cendut To 1 Set Variance of exprn To 1 Set Variance of knowldg To 1 Set Variance of ortho To 1 Set Variance of Attitud To 1 Set Variance of SubNorm To 1 Set Variance of Inten To 1 Path Diagram End of Problem ! c1 c2 o1 b4 c3 c4 e3 s3 b3 Raw Data from file 'F:\LISREL 11 Religiusitas TRA\JBVIreligiosity_NSnew.psf' Latent Variables Religiosity Attitudes SubjNorm InteEntre Relationships basic cendut exprn = Religiosity s1 s2 s4 = Attitudes n1 n2 n3 n4 n5 = SubjNorm i1 i2 i3 = InteEntre Attitude InteEntr = Religios InteEntr = Attitude SubjNorm Path Diagram Set Variance of Attitude to 1 Set Variance of InteEntr to 1 Set Variance of Religios to 1 Set Variance of SubjNorm to 1 End of Problem ! ortho i4 knowldg s5