Surianto Laksono Trisnantoro(1*)
(*) Corresponding Author
Background: One of the important things forchange is a sequential
characteristic or the phase of time for a change. Such
as the change stipulated by BLUD (Publis Service Agency)
policy of the State Regional Hospital (RSUD) to become BLUD.
The implementation of BLUD in the regional public hospital
(RSUD) of Undata is generally based on the regulation of The
Departement of Internal Affairs No 61 year 2007. The new
paradigm as BLUD must be balancedof both the “Enterprising
the Goverment” and the “Public Service Oriented”. The background
of Undata Hospital before becoming BLUD were the
problem of health care cost was getting expensive whilst the
tariffs imposed had to be competitive, and the demand of good
quality of services to care for the patients. All of this could be
achieved if Undata hospital applies the financial management
system of the regional public service agency (PPK-BLUD).
Method Of Research:Thisresearch uses a descriptive analysis
with the case study design. The samplings conducted in
this research are purposive sampling. Method of data colection
obtained through in depth interview, observation, utilization of
Research Result: The implentation of regional public service
agency (BLUD) based on the result of evaluation study in
Undata hospital and in the health departement of Central
Sulawesi Province shows that: The implementation based on
the standard, namely governance, business strategy plan,
and the report of financial management has been implemented
well. Whereas the implementation which is not in accordance
yet with the BLUD criteria is the minimum service standard
related to indicator and criteria of SPM. Also the role of health
departement as the supervisory board has yet to be implemented
because there is no supervisory board.
Conclusion: It shows the governance, business strategy
plan and financial report are already in accordance with standard,
set while the minimum service standard and the supervisory
board have not run optimally within the standard and
criteria set.
Key words: PPK-BLUD, implementation of BLUD, Hospital,
characteristic or the phase of time for a change. Such
as the change stipulated by BLUD (Publis Service Agency)
policy of the State Regional Hospital (RSUD) to become BLUD.
The implementation of BLUD in the regional public hospital
(RSUD) of Undata is generally based on the regulation of The
Departement of Internal Affairs No 61 year 2007. The new
paradigm as BLUD must be balancedof both the “Enterprising
the Goverment” and the “Public Service Oriented”. The background
of Undata Hospital before becoming BLUD were the
problem of health care cost was getting expensive whilst the
tariffs imposed had to be competitive, and the demand of good
quality of services to care for the patients. All of this could be
achieved if Undata hospital applies the financial management
system of the regional public service agency (PPK-BLUD).
Method Of Research:Thisresearch uses a descriptive analysis
with the case study design. The samplings conducted in
this research are purposive sampling. Method of data colection
obtained through in depth interview, observation, utilization of
Research Result: The implentation of regional public service
agency (BLUD) based on the result of evaluation study in
Undata hospital and in the health departement of Central
Sulawesi Province shows that: The implementation based on
the standard, namely governance, business strategy plan,
and the report of financial management has been implemented
well. Whereas the implementation which is not in accordance
yet with the BLUD criteria is the minimum service standard
related to indicator and criteria of SPM. Also the role of health
departement as the supervisory board has yet to be implemented
because there is no supervisory board.
Conclusion: It shows the governance, business strategy
plan and financial report are already in accordance with standard,
set while the minimum service standard and the supervisory
board have not run optimally within the standard and
criteria set.
Key words: PPK-BLUD, implementation of BLUD, Hospital,
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