Analisis Dampak Polusi Udara Akibat Kebakaran Hutan Dan Lahan Serta Upaya Pengurangannya Dalam Mempertahankan Ketahanan Energi

siti tiara maulia(1*)

(1) universitas jambi
(*) Corresponding Author



This article raises problems that are being experienced and felt directly by Indonesia at this time. Indonesian people have to survive amidst air pollution, which is mostly caused by forest and land fires. These forest and land fires then have an impact that is also detrimental to various other sectors. Forests have various natural resources that contain a lot of energy and other potential that can be used in various forms of life. This impact can then gradually weaken the state of energy security in Indonesia. In order to overcome the negative impacts of air pollution caused by the spread of land and forests, it is important to understand that this is not just the task of "policy makers" but is a collective task to create a balance between human energy needs and the preservation of forests and land which play a role in maintaining air quality and a healthy climate and blue skies again.


Air Pollution;Forest Fires; Energy Security

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