Rossa Fitria Halim(1*), Renanta Dzakiya Nafalana(2), Adityo Wahyu Saputro(3), Mohammad Agus Kholilurrohman(4)

(1) Universitas Gadjah Mada
(2) Universitas Gadjah Mada
(3) Universitas Gadjah Mada
(4) Universitas Gadjah Mada
(*) Corresponding Author


Development is a process of change that is planned to improve various aspects of people’s lives. The development process carried out in Indonesia covers many aspects, one of which is human development. Indicators of the success of a region in the process of developing the quality of human life can be measured using the Human Development Index (HDI). HDI is a number that represents the condition of the population in terms of development, education, health, income, and various other aspects. Human development is important to do in order to achieve the prosperity of a region’s population. Each re gion in Indonesia continues to make various efforts to improve human development, and Java is no exception. To find out what factors affect the Human Development Index on the Java Island, a comparison of Four Mathematical Function Link Models on General ized Linear Models (GLM) is carried out to analyze the factors that affect the Human Development Index. The Four Mathematical Link Function Models are Logit, Probit, Cauchit, and Complementary Log-log (Clog-log) models. The ordinal Probit regression model is the best model to analyze the factors affecting HDI in Java Island in 2023, with classification accuracy of 86.316%.


Human Development Index (HDI), Mathematical Link Function Model, Gen eralized Linear Models, Classification

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