Monitoring Perubahan Pola Alur Sungai Menggunakan Citra Satelit Resolusi Spasial Menengah Berbasis Spectral Classification

Agung Kurniawan(1*)

(1) Sekolah Vokasi, Universitas Gadjah Mada
(*) Corresponding Author


The development of remote sensing technology allows humans to acquire and process data remotely and temporally. Changes in the flow of the Progo river from the last few years are significant, this can be caused by natural factors and human factors. The influence of the intensity of flow and the level of sedimentation in the Progo river causes a massive flow pattern change in the Progo river body. The data used in this research is Medium Spatial Resolution Satellite Imagery, Landsat 5 satellite imagery acquired in 1995 and Landsat 8 acquired in 2017. Monitoring of changes in river flow pattern is generally done by using the method of terrestrial or conventional measurement, which takes a long time, for that the use of methods and remote sensing data can be used to save time. The method used is multispectral classification approach with maximum likelihood algorithm. The results of extraction using digital classification method (maximum likelihood) resulted in the appearance of flow pattern quickly and representative, so this method is suitable for the purpose of rapid detection of changes in flow pattern. The results obtained from the extraction of the Progo river flow pattern show an intricate river flow pattern with many river rubbers on the image appearance of 1995, whereas in the image extraction results in 2017 the river banks and turns do not look dominant, it shows that erosion and sedimentation activities continue to occur massively.


Multispectral Classification; River Flow Patterns; Medium Spatial Resolution Satellite Imagery

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