Studi Kinerja Katalisator Lewatit Monoplus s-100 pada Reaksi Esterifikasi antara Etanol dan Asam Asetat
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Seringkali etil asetat dibuat dengan menggunakan katalisator asam sulfat.Walaupun konversi yang dihasilkan tinggi, penggunaan katalisator asam sulfat banyak menimbulkan masalah. Proses esterifikasi antara etanol dan asam asetat dengan katalisator padat berupa resin penukar ion lewatit monoplus s-100 diharapkan dapat memecahkan permasalahan tersebut. Proses pembuatan etil asetat dilakukan dengan cara batch, perbandingan pereaksi 1,2 gmol asam asetat /gmol etanol, waktu reaksi 60 menit, dengan pengadukan berbasis bed expansion 4% mengunakan magnetit stirrer, dan katalisator lewatit monoplus s-100. Variabel yang divariasikan adalah suhu reaksi dan konsentrasi katalisator. Etanol, asam asetat, dan katalisator dimasukkan ke dalam reaktor, kemudian ambil contoh untuk dianalisis etanol awal. Tutup reaktor dengan penutup lalu hotplate dinyalakan sambil pengadukan dijalankan. Setelah 60 menit ambil sampel untuk dianalisis konsentrasi etanol. Analisis dilakukan satu kali pada akhir reaksi yaitu 60 menit dengan mengunakan kromatografi gas. Hasil percobaan menunjukkan semakin besar suhu laju reaksi semakin meningkat, tetapi naiknya konsentrasi katalisator akan menyebabkan reaksi balik. Konversi tertinggi diperoleh pada 358K, dan konsentrasi katalisator 0,8 massa resin/massa etanol, dengan konversi sebesar 87,3%. Ini menunjukkan bahwa kinerja katalisator lewatit monopluss-100 cukup baik digunakan untuk proses esterifikasi antara etanol dan asam asetat.
Kata kunci : asam asetat, esterifikasi, etanol, lewatit monoplus s-100
Sulfuric acid is common catalyst in producing ethyl acetate. Despite of high conversion, using sulfuric acid as catalyst is appearing a lot of problems. The use of solid catalyst is expected to solve the problem. Utilizing of lewatit monoplus s-100 in the esterification of ethanol and acetic acid was investigated in this work. The experiments were carried out in a reactor on the hot plate equipped with magnetic stirrer. The reactant ratio was 1.2 gmol acetic acid / gmol ethanol and lewatit monoplus s-100 as catalyst. Samples were taken at initial and after 60 minutes, then the samples were analyzed by using gas chromatograph. The same experiments were conducted at different temperatures and catalyst concentrations. Based on the experimental result, lewatit monoplus s-100 performed well as solid catalyst in the esterification. It was shown that the higher the temperature, the higher the reaction rate, meanwhile increasing the catalyst concentration, the conversion was lower. The highest conversion was 87.3%, when the temperature was 358 K, and a catalyst concentration was 0.8 g. resin /g. ethanol.
Key words: acetic acid, esterification, ethanol, lewatit monoplus s-100
Kata kunci : asam asetat, esterifikasi, etanol, lewatit monoplus s-100
Sulfuric acid is common catalyst in producing ethyl acetate. Despite of high conversion, using sulfuric acid as catalyst is appearing a lot of problems. The use of solid catalyst is expected to solve the problem. Utilizing of lewatit monoplus s-100 in the esterification of ethanol and acetic acid was investigated in this work. The experiments were carried out in a reactor on the hot plate equipped with magnetic stirrer. The reactant ratio was 1.2 gmol acetic acid / gmol ethanol and lewatit monoplus s-100 as catalyst. Samples were taken at initial and after 60 minutes, then the samples were analyzed by using gas chromatograph. The same experiments were conducted at different temperatures and catalyst concentrations. Based on the experimental result, lewatit monoplus s-100 performed well as solid catalyst in the esterification. It was shown that the higher the temperature, the higher the reaction rate, meanwhile increasing the catalyst concentration, the conversion was lower. The highest conversion was 87.3%, when the temperature was 358 K, and a catalyst concentration was 0.8 g. resin /g. ethanol.
Key words: acetic acid, esterification, ethanol, lewatit monoplus s-100
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