Sifat-Sifat Penyalaan dan Pembakaran Briket Biomassa, Briket Batubara dan Arang Kayu

Siti Jamilatun(1*)
(*) Corresponding Author
Secara umum, proses pembakaran padatan terdiri atas beberapa tahap yaitu pemanasan, pengeringan, devolatilisasi dan pembakaran arang. Faktor-faktor yang menentukan karakteristik pembakaran suatu briket adalah kecepatan pembakaran, nilai kalor, berat jenis dan banyaknya polusi atau senyawa volatil yang dihasilkan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui sifat-sifat penyalaan dari berbagai macam briket biomassa, arang kayu dan batubara yang meliputi kecepatan pembakaran, lama briket menyala sampai menjadi abu, waktu penyalaan awal, banyaknya asap atau senyawa volatil yang dihasilkan, nilai kalor dan lama waktu untuk mendidihkan 1 liter air. Penelitian dilakukan dengan membakar 250 gram setiap jenis briket. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa tempurung kelapa memiliki lama menyala terpanjang yaitu 116 menit dengan kecepatan pembakaran 126,6 gram/detik dan nilai kalor tertinggi sebesar 5.779,11 kal/gram. Untuk mendidihkan 1 liter air, semua jenis briket yang diuji membutuhkan waktu antara 5 sampai 7 menit. Jika dibandingkan dengan briket batubara yang memiliki nilai kalor 6.058 kal/gram dan arang kayu dengan nilai kalor 3.583 kal/gram maka briket tempurung kelapa cukup baik digunakan sebagai bahan bakar alternatif.
Kata kunci: briket, biomassa, batubara, uji pembakaran dan nilai kalor
In general, combustion of solid material consists of several steps including heating, drying, de-volatilization and burning of the charcoal. The factors that determine combustion characteristics of briquettes are the rate of combustion, heating value, density and amount of pollutants or volatile compounds produced. The present work aimed at determining combustion characteristics of various kinds of briquettes from biomass, wood charcoal and coal including the rate of combustion, duration of briquettes burn to ashes, the initial ignition, amount of smoke or volatile compounds produced, heating value and duration for boiling one liter of water. The experimental work was performed by burning 250 grams of each briquette. The results showed that coconut shell had the longest combustion duration (116 minutes) with a combustion rate of 126.6 grams/second. In comparison with other biomass briquettes and wood choarcoal, coconut shell had the highest heating values of 5,779.11 cal/gram which was close to heating value of coal briquette (6,058 cal/gram). All briquettes studied in the present work showed a reasonable duration and needed about 5 – 7 minutes to boil one litter of water.
Key words: briquette, biomass, coal, combustion test and heating values
Kata kunci: briket, biomassa, batubara, uji pembakaran dan nilai kalor
In general, combustion of solid material consists of several steps including heating, drying, de-volatilization and burning of the charcoal. The factors that determine combustion characteristics of briquettes are the rate of combustion, heating value, density and amount of pollutants or volatile compounds produced. The present work aimed at determining combustion characteristics of various kinds of briquettes from biomass, wood charcoal and coal including the rate of combustion, duration of briquettes burn to ashes, the initial ignition, amount of smoke or volatile compounds produced, heating value and duration for boiling one liter of water. The experimental work was performed by burning 250 grams of each briquette. The results showed that coconut shell had the longest combustion duration (116 minutes) with a combustion rate of 126.6 grams/second. In comparison with other biomass briquettes and wood choarcoal, coconut shell had the highest heating values of 5,779.11 cal/gram which was close to heating value of coal briquette (6,058 cal/gram). All briquettes studied in the present work showed a reasonable duration and needed about 5 – 7 minutes to boil one litter of water.
Key words: briquette, biomass, coal, combustion test and heating values
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