Penjerapan Ion Logam Cadmium dalam Larutan Encer Menggunakan Baggase Fly Ash Teraktivasi
Martha Helsanggi(1*), Agus Prasetya(2)
(*) Corresponding Author
Bagasse fly ash (BFA) dapat digunakan sebagai adsorben berbagai macam logam berat seperti Cd2+ yang terlarut dalam air. Untuk dapat digunakan sebagai media penjerap BFA perlu lebih dahulu diaktivasi. Penelitian mempelajari pengaruh berbagai jenis aktivasi terhadap kemampuan adsorpsi BFA belum banyak dilakukan. Pada penelitian ini BFA diaktivasi menggunakan larutan HCl 1N dan H2O2 pada berbagai konsentrasi 0,01N, 0,02N, dan 0,05N. BFA teraktivasi kemudian digunakan untuk menjerap Cd2+. Pada penelitian ini juga dipelajari pengaruh suhu terhadap jumlah Cd2+ yang teradsorpsi. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa kualitas BFA teraktivasi H2O2 lebih baik dibandingkan BFA awal. Sementara itu, aktivasi dengan larutan HCl menyebabkan penurunan kualitas penjerapan. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa semakin tinggi suhu maka semakin sedikit Cd2+ yang terjerap.
Kata kunci: bagasse fly ash, penjerapan, aktivasi, H2O2, ion kadmium
Bagasse fly ash is frequently used as an adsorbent for various heavy metals such as Cd2+ dissolved in water. Activation procedure is generally required preceding adsorption using BFA. Investigation of different activation treatments and the influences on BFA adsorption capacity is still scarce. In the present study, BFA was activated in HCl 1 N solution and in H2O2 solution at different concentrations of 0.01 N, 0.02 N and 0.05 N. The activated BFA was then used for adsorption of water containing Cd2+. Also, the effect of temperature on the adsorption was part of the study. Experimental results indicated that H2O2 activated BFA showed superior adsorption properties compared with the unmodified BFA (raw BFA). Meanwhile, activation treatment in HCl solution caused a decrease in adsorption quality. The results also showed that temperature increase would lead to a decrease in adsorption capacity.
Keywords: bagasse fly ash, adsorption, activation, H2O2, ionic cadmium
Kata kunci: bagasse fly ash, penjerapan, aktivasi, H2O2, ion kadmium
Bagasse fly ash is frequently used as an adsorbent for various heavy metals such as Cd2+ dissolved in water. Activation procedure is generally required preceding adsorption using BFA. Investigation of different activation treatments and the influences on BFA adsorption capacity is still scarce. In the present study, BFA was activated in HCl 1 N solution and in H2O2 solution at different concentrations of 0.01 N, 0.02 N and 0.05 N. The activated BFA was then used for adsorption of water containing Cd2+. Also, the effect of temperature on the adsorption was part of the study. Experimental results indicated that H2O2 activated BFA showed superior adsorption properties compared with the unmodified BFA (raw BFA). Meanwhile, activation treatment in HCl solution caused a decrease in adsorption quality. The results also showed that temperature increase would lead to a decrease in adsorption capacity.
Keywords: bagasse fly ash, adsorption, activation, H2O2, ionic cadmium
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