Membaca Tubuh-Tubuh Patuh: Representasi Penciptaan Identitas Pribumi Melalui Tubuh-Tubuh Patuh di Hindia Belanda dalam Film Moeder Dao De Schildlapegelijkende

Ajeng Dewanthi(1*)
(1) Universitas Sanata Dharma
(*) Corresponding Author
Discourse is a disciplinary technology through the practice of certain knowledge to create docile bodies through a certain normalization process. In this process, a person acts treated in such a way is to enter into the system of knowledge pressed by the authorities. The indigenous body becomes the working locus of colonialism’s power and knowledge. A docile body exists a form of certain norms and rules in society. In this knowledge building, the logic of the colonial language as a tool for the formation of indigenous identities. The tangibility of inferiority created in the naratives arose from the perspective of the colonial rulers towards natives living in Western standards. Although the native people could meet Western standards, under the discourse of colonialism, it was still a subject that had to follow the colonial power itself.
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