Islamisasi di Kota Surakarta dan Sekitarnya Masa Orde Baru: Sebuah Tinjauan Awal

Adif Fahrizal(1*)

(1) Program Studi Sejarah Peradaban Islam, IAIN Salatiga
(*) Corresponding Author


This article discusses the spread of Islam in the city and the neighborhood of Surakarta, Central Java during the New Order period. The spread of Islam took place through massive Islamic religious activities, such as mass prayer. In addition, the expansion of the number of mosques and mushola (Islamic praying sites) indicates a massive expansion of the influence of Islam in the region. Based on data from newspapers and interviews with relevant informants of the time, this article found out that the spread of Islam in Surakarta was a political agenda set up by the New Order government in order to counter the remnants of Communist ideology, which was withheld by sympathizers of the then Indonesian Communist Party. This article concludes that the massive spread of Islam shaped Surakarta, which had been known as the center of syncretic Javanese culture, to become religious and the government’s fear of Communism could be reduced. However, the process also made a sharp dichotomy between Islamist-based and Javanese-based identity of the city.


Anti-Communist Movement; islamization; New Order; Surakarta; Gerakan AntiKomunis; islamisasi; Orde Baru

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Koran dan Majalah

Adil tahun ke-43 (1974) No. 4

Adil tahun ke-43 (1975) No. 9

Adil tahun ke-43 (1975) No. 11

Adil tahun ke-43 (April 1975) No. 13

Adil tahun ke-54 (Oktober 1985) No. 2

Adil tahun ke-54 (Mei 1986) No. 15

Adil tahun ke-54 (Juni 1986) No. 20

Suara Bengawan, 5 April 1986

Suara Bengawan, 21 Juni 1986

Suara Bengawan, 21 Agustus 1986

Suara Bengawan, 5 Desember 1986

Sumber Lisan

Wawancara dengan Bapak Solihan Mahdum Cahyana (mantan aktivis Masyumi) tanggal 19 Mei 2014.

Wawancara dengan Bapak Muhammad Amir (sesepuh Muhammadiyah Solo) tanggal 21 Mei 2014.

Wawancara dengan Ibu Hadi Wisarno (Takmir Masjid Al Wustho Mangkunegaran) 5 Juni 2014.


Margana, Sri & Widya Fitrianingsih (ed.). Sejarah Indonesia: Perspektif Lokal dan Global. Persembahan Untuk 70 tahun Prof. Dr. Djoko Suryo. Yogyakarta: Ombak, 2010.

Solahudin. Dari NII Sampai JI: Salafy Jihadisme di Indonesia. Depok: Komunitas Bambu, 2011.


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