Code Mixing in the Articles of Gogirl! Magazine February, 2013 Edition

Nurul Azizah Ikhsani(1*)

(1) Universitas Gadjah Mada
(*) Corresponding Author


This graduating paper aims to explain the types of code mixing applied in the articles of Gogirl! Magazine February, 2013 edition and classify the most frequently used type of code mixing. It also analyzes the reasons for using code mixing in the magazine. The data used in this paper are taken from the articles of Gogirl! Magazine February, 2013 edition. This paper uses observation method in collecting data. The method used in analyzing the data was done in several steps: reading, choosing, and sorting words, phrases, clauses, and sentences which are categorized as code mixing. Then, classifying and analyzing the words, Code Mixing In phrases, clauses, and sentences into different types of code mixing. The last is analyzing the reasons for using code mixing in the magazine article under study.

The theories applied in this paper are Muysken’s theory of code mixing and Nababan’s theory of reasons for using code mixing. The result of this paper shows that there are 103 cases classified into three types of code mixing, which are insertion, alternation, and congruent lexicalization. The most frequently used type is insertion code mixing. In general, the reason for using code mixing in the studied magazine is to create fun and informal situations.


code mixing; teen magazine;types; reasons

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