Perbandingan kekerasan mikro dentin mahkota setelah aplikasi berbagai bahan bleaching intrakoronal

Apriko Merza(1*), Billy Sujatmiko(2), Rinda Yulianti(3)

(1) Program Studi Kedokteran Gigi, Fakultas Kedokteran, Universitas Sriwijaya, Palembang, Sumatera Selatan
(2) Bagian Konservasi Gigi, Program Studi Kedokteran Gigi, Universitas Sriwijaya, Palembang, Sumatera Selatan
(3) Bagian Konservasi Gigi, Program Studi Kedokteran Gigi, Universitas Sriwijaya, Palembang, Sumatera Selatan
(*) Corresponding Author


Comparing microhardness of dentine crown after application of various intracoronal bleaching agents. The aim of this study is to compare microhardness of dentine crown after treatment with intracoronal bleaching agents. The method of this study was an experimental laboratory. Thirty two extracted human mandibular first premolars without caries, sectioned at 2 mm below Cemento-Enamel Junction were divided into four groups and bleaching agents were sealed into the pulp chambers as follows: group A – 45% carbamide peroxide, group B – 35% hydrogen peroxide, group C – sodium perborate mixed aquadest and group D – aquadest. Access cavities were sealed and then stored in aquadest at 37 °C. Bleaching procedures were performed on days 0, 7, 14 and 21. After 28 days, the teeth were sectioned longitudinally, and planted on acrylyc. Microhardness of dentine crown was measured by vickers microhardness tester. One Way ANOVA and LSD were used to evaluate the effect of intracoronal bleaching agents on microhardness of dentine crown. The results showed that average values of microhardness of dentine crown on group A was 45,04 VHN, group B was 45,42 VHN, group C was 55,22 VHN and group D was 55,63 VHN. In clonclusion, there was si gnificantly different microhardness of dentine crown between group 45% carbamide peroxide and 35% hidrogen peroxide with sodium perborate mixed aquadest, but between group 45% carbamide peroxide with 35% hidrogen peroxide there was no significant difference.


Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mengetahui perbandingan kekerasan mikro dentin mahkota setelah aplikasi berbagai bahan bleaching intrakoronal. Jenis penelitian ini merupakan penelitian eksperimental laboratoris. Sebanyak 32 gigi premolar pertama mandibula tanpa karies, telah diekstraksi, dipotong 2 mm di bawah cemento-enamel junction dibagi dalam 4 kelompok dan bahan bleaching dimasukkan ke dalam kamar pulpa, yaitu kelompok A – 45% karbamid peroksida, kelompok B -35% hidrogen peroksida, kelompok C - sodium perborat dikombinasikan dengan aquadest, dan kelompok D – aquadest. Akses kavitas ditutup kemudian disimpan di dalam aquadest dengan suhu 37 °C. Prosedur bleaching dilakukan pada hari ke-0, 7, 14 dan 21. Setelah 28 hari, mahkota gigi dipotong secara longitudinal dan salah satu bagian ditanam di akrilik. Nilai kekerasan mikro dentin mahkota diuji menggunakan Vickers microhardnes tester. One way ANOVA dan uji LSD digunakan untuk mengevaluasi pengaruh berbagai bahan bleaching intrakoronal terhadap kekerasan mikro dentin. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan nilai kekerasan mikro dentin mahkota pada kelompok A sebesar 45,04 VHN, kelompok B sebesar 45,42 VHN, kelompok C sebesar 55,22 VHN dan kelompok D sebesar 55,63 VHN. Kesimpulan dari penelitian ini terdapat perbedaan kekerasan mikro dentin mahkota yang signifikan antara kelompok 45% karbamid peroksida dan 35% hidrogen peroksida dengan sodium perborat dikombinasikan dengan aquadest, sedangkan antara kelompok 45% karbamid peroksida dengan 35% hidrogen peroksida tidak terdapat perbedaan yang signifikan.


intracoronal bleaching agents; dentine crown; microhardness

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