The Correlation among EFL Students’ Self-Efficacy, Vocabulary Mastery, and Reading Ability

Nuning Melati Putri(1*), Abdul Syahid(2), Nurliana Nurliana(3)

(1) IAIN Palangka Raya
(2) IAIN Palangka Raya
(3) IAIN Palangka Raya
(*) Corresponding Author


The goal of this study was to measure the relationship between reading skills, vocabulary mastery, and self-efficacy among EFL students. There were twenty-four EFL students involved. In this study, students' self-efficacy was measured using a questionnaire, and their vocabulary knowledge and reading skills were measured by tests. The data was obtained via Google forms. To analyze the data, a statistical analysis was conducted using the JASP program. The study found that: (1) there was a low correlation between self-efficacy and vocabulary mastery (r=0.29 and p=0.17); (2) there was a low correlation between self-efficacy and reading ability (r=0.39 and p=0.06); and (3) there was a correlation between vocabulary mastery and reading ability (r=0.49 and p=0.01). Based on the findings, it can be stated that there was no significant correlation between self-efficacy and vocabulary mastery, nor between self-efficacy and reading ability. However, there was a significant correlation between vocabulary and reading ability. It implied that students' reading abilities increase so as their level of vocabulary mastery. In terms of theory, this study clarified how students' reading and vocabulary learning skills and their level of self-efficacy were connected. Students with high self-efficacy have a better chance of learning vocabulary and reading. in terms of practical theory, improving students' skills in mastering vocabulary can help them improve their reading ability.

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